DME Repairs and Maintenance

Durable Medical Equipment at some point needs DME Repairs and Maintenance from your DME supplier. Repair: DME repairs by a DME supplier include fixing equipment that is damaged or worn. Maintenance: This simply means cleaning, checking, and servicing the patient’s DME. If possible, patients are expected to do regular maintenance themselves using the owner’s manual. […]

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Know your DME HCPCS Codes

In DME medical billing, your DME coders require correct HCPCS codes along with correct modifiers that are used for providing more details about the equipment. If your medical coders are unable to use modifiers or not using them in the correct manner, then the claims may get denied by the insurance company. Some common DME […]

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CMS announcement for durable medical equipment suppliers

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced updated guidance regarding several emergency waivers related to Medicare and Medicaid policies and regulatory updates during this pandemic for durable medical equipment suppliers. The CMS very likely will continue to announce supplemental guidance on the blanket waivers. Here we have a detailed summary of the relevant […]

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DME Prior Authorization Programs – GAO

According to the analysis of GAO, CMS’s prior authorization programs for durable medical equipment (DME) created an estimated $1.9 billion in Medicare savings. CMS’s prior authorization programs for durable medical equipment (DME) and mobility devices have controlled unnecessary spending, according to a new Government Accountability Office (GAO) report. This was created between $1.1 and $1.9 […]

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CY 2020 Update for Durable Medical Equipment

CMS has revised previous updates of the Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies (DMEPOS) Fee Schedule on January 3, 2020, to reflect an updated Change request (CR) that corrected the CY 2020 maintenance and servicing fee for certain oxygen equipment to $73.02 in the CR’ s business requirement 11570.9. The transmittal number, CR release […]

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Streamline your DME Billing with MBC

All healthcare providers are searching for a streamlined DME billing operation team that may handle their DME billing process without much hassle. According to MarketWatch, the worldwide marketplace for Durable Medical Equipment (DME) is predicted to achieve up to USD 246.6 billion by the year 2026. This rise is predicted because of the advantages that […]

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Prior Authorization Process for DME during COVID-19 – Provider Burden Relief FAQs

The importance of medical review activities to CMS’ program integrity efforts, CMS will stop exercising enforcement discretion for the Prior Authorization Process for Certain Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) items beginning on August 3, 2020, regardless of the status of the public health emergency. Is CMS suspending most Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) medical […]

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